Overview of Vision and Transformation Catalyst Tool

The Teaching for PROWESS (TfP) Vision & Transformation Catalyst Tool is a diagnostic tool designed to be used in a self-study to evaluate the implementation of the recommendations of the AMATYC Standards (referring to Crossroads in Mathematics, Beyond Crossroads, and IMPACT) in mathematics departments. The work is based on the extensive work of Partnership for Undergraduate Life Science Education (PULSE)* which was focused on Biology in 4-year institutions. The rubrics have been modified based on the features expected in a 2-year college math department that has fully implemented all of the AMATYC recommendations. They are meant as tools to highlight the areas where departments stand out and areas where departments have made less progress. 

The complete Teaching for PROWESS Vision & Transformation Catalyst Tool contains 8 rubrics

1) Student Learning and the Learning Environment, 2) Instruction, 3) Curriculum and Program Development, 4) Assessment of Student Learning, 5) Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, 6) Professionalism, 7) Climate for Change, and 8) Snapshot.

Terminology: The rubrics can be used to evaluate individual departments or a division composed of mathematics faculty (either full-time or part-time) which will be referred to as ‘departments’ in this document. The use of the term ‘faculty’ throughout the rubrics is meant as a generic term for the range of possible titles for all those who are instructors in any course that is part of the department being evaluated.

Procedure: Once a department chooses an area, or areas, they would like to examine, the faculty should then individually determine scores for the rubrics. Each criterion begins with a CONTEXT section that should be read prior to reading the criterion’s descriptors. Once a score for a criterion is determined it is important to document the justification in the appropriate section of the table. After the individual results are completed, the department should determine and report a consensus score for each criterion. For more information and suggestions on completing this process, refer to the Rubric FAQs on the teachingforprowess.wordpress.com website.

*An initiative launched by the National Science Foundation (NSF), the Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI), and the National Institute for General Medical Sciences (NIGMS/NIH).